

Why Is Nature Full Of Patterns? Find Out In Issue 7 Of CURIOUS – Out Now

Does DNA predict your destiny? Can you get to space in a balloon? All this and more exclusively in the latest issue of our e-magazine.

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Why is nature full of patterns? IFLScience's free digital magazine cover

Hi, it's me. I'm the problem it's me (maybe). Image credit: (C) IFLScience

The latest issue of IFLScience’s e-magazine CURIOUS is out now, bringing you science highlights for the month plus deep dives into intriguing topics, interviews, exclusives, diary dates, and explanations for some of Earth’s most perplexing natural phenomena and landscapes.

Join us as we put curious questions to top experts, share excerpts from the latest science books, and tackle some of the most challenging topics across science. Are you CURIOUS? Find out what to expect from Issue 7 (February 2023) below.


Read Issue 7 of our digital magazine now by clicking below! Use the arrows to navigate or download the PDF for easy access.

In This Issue…

OUR COVER STORY: Why Is Nature Full Of Patterns? 

Patterns constantly form in nature, from molecules to our consciousness. Or are we just seeing what we want to see?

DEEP DIVE: Does DNA Predict Your Destiny?  

Are we slaves to our DNA or does our environment have some sway? Enter epigenetics and your guide, Maddy Chapman.

WE HAVE QUESTIONS: Can We Get To SpaceInA Balloon?  

HALO Space has completed its first test flight using a balloon to carry a passenger capsule into the stratosphere, so the answer appears to be yes. We talked to them about how it went.

WHERE ON EARTH: A Mineral Forest For A Natural Spa 

Calcite has transformed the landscape of Pamukkale in Turkey where the “Cotton Palace” has sprouted a mineral forest. The petrified waterfalls and terraced basins look like a dreamy cascade of infinity spas, which is exactly what they once were for the kings of Pergamon.

Exclusive: Meet Author Moshe Bar And Read An Excerpt Of Mindwandering: How It Can Improve Your Mood And Boost Your Creativity

What is actually happening when we allow our minds to explore ideas? In his book, Mindwandering, neuroscientist Moshe Bar explains how letting your mind wander could be the key to checking off a few goals for 2023.

Plus: News, diary dates, what to see, watch, and read this month, and much more.



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  • patterns,

  • pareidolia,

  • zombie apocalypse,

  • curious