Category:Linguistic diagrams
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Media in category "Linguistic diagrams"
The following 79 files are in this category, out of 79 total.
02SubjectLoweringTagalogBefore.PNG 206 × 169; 4 KB
Albero nostratico.png 449 × 255; 9 KB
Ambiguity of MAE in japanese.png 1,190 × 1,684; 116 KB
Arbitrary language boundary.png 1,491 × 378; 62 KB
Causative Alternation Flow Chart (revised).png 705 × 498; 49 KB
Causative Alternation Flow Chart 2.png 941 × 350; 47 KB
Causative Alternation Transitive Base Approach Chart.jpg 639 × 223; 49 KB
Classification des langues jurcheniques - Hölzl.svg 2,065 × 1,002; 65 KB
CLL diagram.svg 300 × 200; 2 KB
Cognitive science heptagram tr.svg 1,578 × 1,809; 150 KB
Cognitive science heptagram.svg 1,578 × 1,809; 116 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon cs.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 148 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon PL 6.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 149 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon PL.svg 3,265 × 2,997; 152 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon tr.png 2,687 × 2,673; 427 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon tr.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 149 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon tr2.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 149 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon-ar.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 292 KB
Cognitive Science Hexagon.svg 2,903 × 2,903; 145 KB
Consonne afriquée.png 365 × 440; 31 KB
CuvinteleLimbiiRomane.svg 549 × 694; 51 KB
Dialects of vs standardized form.png 638 × 384; 92 KB
DifficultChineseSpeechSounds.svg 805 × 739; 18 KB
Distribución de los hablantes nativos de francés en 6 países en 2021.png 1,868 × 1,130; 134 KB
Distribuição de falantes nativos da língua francesa em 6 países em 2021.png 1,868 × 1,130; 137 KB
Distribution of native French speakers in 6 countries in 2021.png 1,866 × 1,132; 135 KB
Distribuzione dei madrelingua francesi in 6 paesi nel 2021.png 1,836 × 1,106; 127 KB
Distribuzione dei madrelingua francesi in 6 paesi.png 1,832 × 1,104; 127 KB
Djkstra & van Heuven's BIA+ Model.png 494 × 491; 103 KB
Etymology of Diabetes Mellitus.svg 512 × 288; 102 KB
Euskal Embedding.png 944 × 904; 273 KB
Example of the divergence among the Kra-Dai Language.png 7,500 × 7,500; 819 KB
Finkbeiner et al. Sense Model.png 567 × 307; 81 KB
Finnish vowel harmony Venn diagram.svg 512 × 354; 679 bytes
FML names b&w.png 733 × 291; 18 KB
FML names-2.png 722 × 288; 27 KB
FML names.png 723 × 219; 21 KB
Fr-Cognitive science heptagram.svg 1,600 × 1,809; 161 KB
Francophonie en 2021.png 1,716 × 1,026; 113 KB
Image LDA language chart.png 628 × 509; 72 KB
Knjizni-neknjizni jezik.jpg 462 × 726; 28 KB
Kognitionswissenschaft.svg 800 × 700; 51 KB
Kroll & Stewart's RHM Model.png 562 × 381; 44 KB
Loanword classification tree 3.gif 1,008 × 672; 114 KB
Major levels of linguistic structure.svg 900 × 900; 70 KB
Makassaric lexical similarity.svg 750 × 562; 77 KB
Mapa Conceitual Aprendizagem Significativa.png 612 × 490; 149 KB
Mfl-vocab-target-01a.png 514 × 494; 23 KB
Mfl-vocab-target-02a.png 514 × 494; 23 KB
Mind map of the languageportuguese.jpg 1,003 × 604; 99 KB
Mongolian vowel harmony Venn diagram.svg 512 × 354; 3 KB
Noun-linguistics.svg 29 × 32; 407 bytes
Romance languages diagram en.svg 1,068 × 644; 108 KB
Rumsen Body Parts.png 895 × 673; 101 KB
Source-filter model diagram.svg 618 × 888; 258 KB
Spektrogramm der Vokale a, e, i, o, u.png 1,677 × 988; 290 KB
SPSlittle.png 367 × 427; 19 KB
Stemma de Tesnière.png 709 × 790; 43 KB
Stratification in systemic functional linguistics.jpg 12,339 × 12,634; 3.49 MB
Syntactic Trees Resultative.png 439 × 390; 19 KB
Tabula Anemographica seu Pyxis Nautica ventorum nomina sex linguis repraesentans.jpg 14,196 × 11,682; 25.45 MB
Taiwanese tones.png 553 × 155; 7 KB
Temps déictiques et temps relatifs ( exemples en français ) Ink LI.png 1,506 × 426; 117 KB
Test du canard.jpg 5,041 × 3,751; 828 KB
The window broke tree structure.png 365 × 261; 19 KB
The world language hierarchy (adapted from Graddol, 1997).jpg 720 × 540; 53 KB
Tree for alle drie de studenten.png 593 × 465; 12 KB
Tree- "Where?".png 240 × 392; 14 KB
Turkish 8 vowels' cube.png 1,000 × 1,000; 29 KB
Uilta vowel harmony Venn diagram.svg 512 × 354; 3 KB
Verdeling van moedertaalsprekers van het Frans in 6 landen in 2021.png 1,832 × 1,102; 133 KB
Verteilung der französischen Muttersprachler in 6 Ländern im Jahr 2021.png 1,912 × 1,158; 142 KB
Votic vowel harmony Venn diagram.svg 375 × 259; 9 KB
Yohanan name evolution.svg 2,513 × 1,465; 85 KB
Zipf 30wiki en labels.png 5,600 × 4,200; 1.04 MB
Zipf distribution CMF.png 1,300 × 975; 113 KB
Zipf distribution PMF.png 1,300 × 975; 96 KB
Árvore linguística do Panará.png 1,080 × 1,080; 52 KB