A new debate has divided the Internet over the last few days: Are there more doors in the world or wheels?
New Zealander Ryan Nixon was chatting to his friends on WhatsApp about whether there were more doors or wheels on Earth. When they failed to reach a conclusion (presumably after a vicious argument), Ryan asked the people of Twitter what they thought, in a post which then went viral.
In the poll, nearly 54 percent declared that there are more wheels than doors, while 46 percent thought there were more doors than wheels – a pretty even split. The debate raged so much that it spilled into Reddit.
Part of the argument was about what counts as a wheel. Some argued that even Lego wheels should count, as they are technically wheels even if they are Lego.
The debate took several nerdy turns.
Most focused on whether there are more doors (that you can walk through) than wheels that are used for transport, though there were splinter groups that believed the wheels on suitcases should count under this definition too.
In the end, the consensus seemed to be that if you only count doors you can go through and wheels used for transport, the clear winner was doors.
However, if you begin to accept smaller wheels – such as those on toys, or at the bottom of office chairs – most thought it was game over for our friend the door.